Employee Engagement

You don’t just work at Carroll. 你是这个不可思议的支持性社区中不可或缺的一份子. 我们是一个合作影响生活并庆祝每个人成功的家庭. We want you to love every minute at Carroll, through skill development and leadership opportunities, fun campus events and even the joy of a daily continental breakfast. It’s your world – make it what you want. 


A staff member eating a snow cone

Employee Appreciation Week

Come together, let loose and admire what sets our employees apart. It’s a fun week of gratitude and celebration! 从瑜伽, massages and lawn games to breakfast, lunch and snow cones, 享受你同事的陪伴,因为我们认可你不可思议的成就. 了解更多.


参加我们的年度员工敬业度调查,分享您的意见,并确保卡罗尔可以在教师中提供最好的文化, staff and students. As always, your input matters beyond what you can imagine. 2022年的调查结果显示,整个大学的卡罗尔参与度和文化增加了9%!

Staff on an alternative spring break trip

Alternative Spring Break Trips

通过三个租户:GIVE,享受国内春假旅行(包括旅行费用),重点是服务和教育. 服务. 学习. 教职员工可以作为学生的顾问,通过“仁人家园”等主办机构为令人惊叹的事业志愿服务, Pios Volunteer and more. 了解更多.

The President speaking at an event Annual gatherings and group learning

卡罗尔提供无数的机会,向各个领域的专家和领导者学习,以促进您的专业发展. 与同事和外部客人互动,并利用研讨会获得证书, 徽章及更多. Continued learning and networking are vital to long-term success.

Opportunity to Teach

当你与卡罗尔教授和学生互动时,你是否受到启发去教书? 您有机会根据您的知识和技能申请兼职教师教学机会. 在课堂上与下一代分享你的激情和专业知识.

A speaker at the diversity summit

股本 & Social Justice Symposium

Faculty and staff have a fantastic opportunity to learn, 在这个年度聚会上,反思并积极参与面对面和虚拟研讨会的混合. Attend sessions focused on topics such as social justice, underrepresented populations, integrated best practices and building community acceptance. 了解更多.

Staff members volunteer Volunteer for campus events

在教室或办公室之外展示你的先锋自豪感,并参与其中. Be a part of significant milestones like move-in day and commencement, 或者为社区活动和服务项目贡献你的时间和精力. Carroll and its employees value giving back in every way possible.

Staff and Faculty Executive Committees

在卡罗尔工作,作为执行委员会的一员,你可以对大学的重要决策发表意见. Discuss departmental changes, 对政策进行投票,并与领导分享你对改善大学体验的见解. 每个人都在卡罗尔成为全国最好的大学之一的过程中发挥了作用.

a man using a calculator. Alternative Work Agreement Opportunities

Carroll is only as great as its employees, and we respect the impact of time on work, family and personal obligations. 我们为员工时间表提供更大的灵活性和远程工作支持,以创建信任, 富有成效的, valuable environment where everyone benefits.

a Carroll University intramural volleyball group.


卡罗尔的员工可以增强他们的竞争力,好好锻炼一下,或者只是找点乐子. 从校内运动和团体健身课程到室内/室外设施使用和设备租赁, 员工们全年都有无数的方式来参与RecSports——通常是免费的! 了解更多.

inside the library at Carroll University. 图书馆 Privileges

员工可以访问Todd Wehr纪念图书馆的所有资源和资料. Reserve materials for learning and development, 确保电子资料的安全,方便获取信息,并按需利用图书馆的流媒体服务. 无论你的职位如何,这都是一种方便、无价的积累知识和技能的方式.

Participate on CCEs

卡罗尔给每个本科生跨文化体验(CCE), with many going to different parts of the globe. As students learn to see the world through others’ eyes, 员工可以在从我们的家乡到日本以及其他许多地方分享经验. What a way to grow at Carroll!

My time at Carroll is best characterized by growth and innovation. 在卡罗尔的工作给了我专业和个人成长的空间,直接影响成人学习者的角色.


As a Transfer Admission Counselor, 在学生们可能经历了一些大学生活之后,我可以和他们交谈, and maybe know a bit more know about what they like and don't like. 我可以帮助他们更深入地了解他们的兴趣或专业——而且我可以夸耀卡罗尔做得很好的所有事情!

——Lori P.

我为自己能够在塑造个人未来的过程中发挥关键作用而感到自豪, equipping them with invaluable skills, 知识, and opportunities for personal and professional development. 成为卡罗的一部分总让我觉得自己与一个更伟大的目标相连. With over 12 years of experience at Carroll, every day is filled with excitement and meaningful challenges.


在博天堂官方入口登陆登录工作对我来说是一次真正充实的经历. The wonderful people I collaborate with, 不断接触新技术和我的角色的动态性质都促成了我对这所大学的热爱. 我很感激有机会为博天堂官方入口登陆登录的成功做出贡献,并成为一个重视成长的社区的一员, innovation and a positive work environment.


The team I work with on a daily basis provides me with mentorship, 协作, laughter and the ability to grow as a professional.  我在卡罗大学培养的人际关系超越了我的直属团队.  Throughout the campus community, 我有机会与教师和工作人员互动,他们都被共同的愿望所驱使,想要有所作为.


Employee Affinity Groups

In an effort to support and foster belonging in the workplace, 跨文化和多样性参与办公室以及人力资源办公室正在举办一些员工亲和聚会. These particular affinity gatherings, which are being sponsored by Institutional Inclusion, 以人类特征为中心,旨在博天堂官方入口登陆登录一些未被充分代表的员工群体. 这些事件也旨在给予那些不属于以下亲和力/身份之一的人, 一个仍然支持和参与一个更包容的工作场所的机会. Those are often called Allies and you are welcome to attend.

Current Employee Affinity Groups include:
  • 国际
  • 退伍军人
  • Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and + (LGBTQ+)

如果您有兴趣了解更多博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口的亲和团体,请发电子邮件 hroffice@dftractor.com.


每年,博天堂官方入口登陆登录都会授予三名杰出的员工精神奖. 被选中的少数人被授予奖项,因为他们展示了卡罗尔精神的三个租户之一:管理, integrity and respect. 获奖者通过在日常工作和生活中为他人服务,体现了博天堂官方入口登陆登录创造的优秀文化.

Panoramic View of campus