
Thank you to all students who participated in our first-ever 梦幻房间比赛! We enjoyed seeing your campus pride and how you added your own personal touches to make Carroll your home away from home. 祝贺希尔格大厅的居民们, 塞吉和劳伦, 谁住在学校最好的房间, 以及我们的九名决赛选手.

Hilger Hall

Sage & 劳伦|大奖获奖房

"We decorated the room with a collaboration of our personal styles mixing a western look and a nature-based aesthetic to create a room that is uniquely us. 我们在宿舍里布置了舒适的灯光, 朋友和家人的照片, paintings, 还有许多给我们带来快乐的植物. Our plant collection has continually grown throughout the school year and every plant has its own name. The paintings in our bathroom are ones that we made ourselves during one of our weekly roomie movie and pasta nights. 我们的房间充满了回忆,让这里有家的感觉. It is easy to come back to our dorm after classes and be able to study in the decorated nooks under our beds, 看我们最喜欢的电视节目, 或者请朋友过来. This room has become a significant part of our lives and is our home here at Carroll.​"


Ashley & 莎拉|决赛选手

"Our room is the best home away from home because we both add our own touches that create a fun yet studious essence. Our room has enough space for both of us to make our own but it also becomes a very easy area to convert to host game and movie nights. We love promoting Pio Pete and all of our Carroll swag as much as we can! :)"


阿莉莎,汉娜 & 凡妮莎|决赛选手

"Our apartment is a home away from home because we have filled it with items that represent love, laughter, 还有家带来的一切. At Carroll, we have the luxury of personalizing our space to our needs and wants. To us, 这意味着我们的朋友和家人的照片, 舒适的家具, calming decor, 以及我们(经常)在Hobby Lobby上找到的任何东西. This space makes us look forward to coming back to school after breaks and coming back to the apartment after a long day of studying. This apartment is home to not only our belongings but also to many memories which will be cherished for the rest of our lives.​​"

Frontier Hall

Alexis |决赛选手

“回到博天堂官方入口登陆登录读我的第二年, 我不确定该怎么布置我的新房间. Of course, I tried to look up ideas and themes but none of them seemed to strike me. I realized that I'm not one to stick with one theme and that I liked a combination of themes, in which I came up with girly pink/brown chic mixed with floral/nature. I absolutely love my room because it's my personality and no one else's. My room gives off good, positive vibes which helps me through tough times during the school year. 它让我想起了我的家, 我的根在哪里, because it gives me the same warm feelings that I experience every time I walk through my own front door. The overwhelming feelings of joy that I get from seeing my friends and family are the same that my room gives me, 这让我很高兴也很兴奋能留在博天堂官方入口登陆登录.​​"


Emma & 赛迪|决赛选手

"This room is our home away from home because it is a very safe and calming place. We have added all the decor and pictures that make us feel comfortable and safe. 它又好又舒适,有我们最喜欢的东西和颜色! 我们每个人都有不同的风格, however, we were able to collaborate and coordinate with each other to make this masterpiece we call home!!"


Kaitlyn & Kylie |决赛选手

"We put lots of careful thought and planning into our Pio-Amazing room. We wanted it to incorporate both of our styles and things we both loved. 我们每个人都选了一个最喜欢的颜色,这些颜色就成了我们房间的主题. 因为我们都喜欢和朋友家人一起出去玩, we wanted our room to be bright and inviting during the day and also at night. 正因为如此,我们喜欢为每个季节/节日装饰, 在冰箱里放很多零食, 到处都是彩灯, and even added peel-and-stick carpet tiles so we could have friends over to play games and relax on the floor. 我们喜欢随时敞开大门, 所以我们可以结交新朋友,和我们楼层的人聊天. Carroll graciously allows us to decorate our rooms how we want and make them our own home away from home. At first it was nerve wracking to be away in college and away from family and friends, 而是因为我们完美的空间, 我们创造了如此令人难忘的美好回忆! Go PIOS!"


Pioneer Hall

吉莉安,凯特,费斯 & 麦琪|决赛选手

“我们在设计Pio-Amazing房间时非常用心. 我们喜欢花时间与我们的朋友和亲人. Therefore, we wanted to create a "home"-like space for everyone, including us. This is our home away from home because of our unique touches of our memories in pictures, 平静的色彩, 还有非常友好的环境. We individually were able to decorate each of our rooms to match our personal styles, 让我们有宾至如归的感觉. We also wanted to include our Pio pride by adding touches of school spirit. 我们很幸运能把这个地方称为我们的家, and we thank 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 for the opportunity to show what this space really means to us! Roll Pios!"

Prairie Hall

杰丁,麦迪,布里亚 & Erica

"Moving onto a college campus means moving away from the old habits and co-dependence of our younger selves to pursue the degrees that will very soon define our futures. Having a living space that we can feel comfortable in makes it easier for us to step away from home and embrace our time here together. 带着崭新的开始进入新学年, 我们四个在到达前几周还是陌生人. 把我们所有的个人属性都放到共享的生活空间里, we are able to decompress after our long days as aspiring healthcare professionals."



"I think what makes this room my home away from is because of all the personal details and things from home that I was able to bring and include in my room. Being able to decorate it the in a way that I love makes me feel like home away from home when I am here.​"​

Steele Hall

Courtney & 菲奥娜|决赛选手

"We consider this room our home away from home because we decorated it in a way that makes both of us happy. We have photos of family and friends on our desks to remind us of home. 创造一个更轻松的氛围, we have string lights and a lamp to use instead of the fluorescent light. We also brought pillows of our dogs, which always makes us smile when we look at them. 我们的房间以粉红色为主题, and while although not everything matches exactly due to our individuality, 中间的地毯把它们拉在一起. We're so happy with how our room turned out, and it really does seem like a home away from home.​​"
