Alumna Jan Droegkamp '68

Dr. Janis Droegkamp '68


Inspired in 1972 by President John F. Kennedy’s call for service to others, Dr. Janis (Jan) Droegkamp * 68在两个非常独特的环境中担任培训师和指导顾问志愿者:首先是在牙买加的学校和教育部担任顾问, and then, in Lesotho helping set up a national counseling program. 这段经历激发了她对和平队的终身承诺,并为她在大斯普林菲尔德的社区服务, Ill.

There are many other organizations and efforts Dr. Droegkamp has been a part of during her adult life. Whether she is working for Habitat for Humanity, registering new voters, conducting a workshop for homeless kids on self-esteem, working for peace or appearing on World News Report in St. Louis to comment on how apartheid affected women in South Africa, she is always engaged and always seeking to make a difference. 在她获得提名的同时,她所在社区的领导人还给她写了许多支持信,详细描述了她的许多成就.

她以社区领袖而闻名,是公民领导和参与的榜样. 她把她的国际工作和知识带到她的学术和教学中. She is committed to service in support of a democratic community. She serves others in hopes that they, too, will become empowered and work for education, peace, understanding and a better world. 

Dr. Droegkamp的职业生涯始于小学五年级. 在她随后在马奎特大学的学校咨询硕士课程中, 她学会了如何成为一名社会正义活动家的技能和鉴赏力. 在马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校攻读博士期间, 她致力于体验式培训,这让她再次来到莱索托, as well as Thailand and Indonesia, to work on adult education projects.

1985年,她开始在伊利诺伊大学斯普林菲尔德分校(美国)任职, 她还担任过独立培训师,并为和平队从事短期项目, training and conducting evaluations in the U.S., Kenya and the Fiji Islands. Her community service, knowledge, 她的技能使她能够受到和平队的邀请,帮助在津巴布韦启动一个新的和平队项目,并在阿尔巴尼亚和乌干达担任和平队副主任四年多.

她还曾在博茨瓦纳大学担任客座教授, where she worked with the counseling department, conducted staff development workshops, did research on older women, and worked to develop exchange programs.

Dr. Droegkamp currently holds the title of professor emerita from UIS, where she worked until her retirement in 2006. 她是创新和体验式学习学院的主要教员, 在她任职期间,她获得了三项主要的院系奖项——2006年的Naomi B. Lynn Award for Outstanding Contributions to Women, 2005年罗伯特·斯宾塞服务奖和1994年杰出大学教学服务奖.

After her official retirement from teaching at UIS, 她接受了和平队在阿尔巴尼亚和乌干达的培训和项目助理主任的职位, where she supervised the host country staff. 为了表彰她长期以来的贡献,她被和平队和美国政府表彰.S. Embassy in Uganda with an Exemplary Service Award.

Beyond the Peace Corps, Dr. Droegkamp is known locally for her life of service and education. Since 2012, 她一直积极参与公益信仰联盟,帮助被剥夺公民权的公民参与政治, 通过领导他们的选民参与工作来促进教育和经济发展. 她是他们办公室的每周志愿者,全年担任副登记员,并与该组织合作,在代表性不足的社区群体中投票. She also guest lectures at UIS on global issues, is a communication specialist with Mom's Demand Action, 以及为处境危险的母亲和儿童提供“可爱的木头”项目的志愿者.

她是亚伯拉罕·林肯总统博物馆和图书馆的志愿讲解员. Moreover, she has conducted seven taped interviews for the Lincoln Library, 采访1972年至2018年伊利诺伊州争取通过《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》的关键人物. 她还自愿为他们的口述历史项目记录采访,保存有关当地事件和人物的迷人故事.

Dr. Droegkamp还担任Mini O'Bieme Crisis Nursery的董事会成员, Montessori Children’s House, Planned Parenthood and Parents without Partners. Her goals on these boards were to support underserved populations, 为那些受压迫的人发声,并就生育选择问题教育社区, single parenthood and children and women at risk.

For five years, 她积极参与了由斯普林菲尔德市长发起的旨在促进对话和种族和谐的“研究圈”项目. 她担任首席协调员,帮助开发一个可以在全国范围内使用的项目. 由于她的兴趣和过去的努力,她还被前市长Hasara邀请加入种族问题特别工作组. 她通过她的宗教团体继续她的反种族主义工作.

她曾与伊利诺斯州老龄部合作,为老年人建立了一个心理健康提供者联盟. In 2000, 她被春田女青年会授予领导荣誉, Woman of Excellence Award, for her engagement and service efforts throughout the community.

Dr. 德罗格坎普也是纳尔逊中心之友的创始成员之一,该中心领导了在林肯公园建立第二块冰的运动. She sold bricks, 协助协调一年一度的果酱音乐节,并征求企业捐助者支持为当地年轻人建立一个新的娱乐设施. As part of this effort, 她是林肯高中曲棍球联盟的创始成员,该联盟将曲棍球带到该地区的高中. 今天,成千上万的成人和儿童有了新的运动机会. Her grandchildren skate on that very ice.

Dr. Droegkamp于1968年毕业,获得了小学教育和体育学位. As a student she was an active member of the Delta Zeta sorority, 女子体育协会和全国学生教育协会.
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