Alumnus Brad Riemann '87

Dr. Bradley C. Riemann '87 

2020 Recipient for Distinguished Alumnus Award for Professional Achievement 

2019年3月,在巴黎举行的国际心理科学会议上. Brad Riemann在1987年提出的定量数据显示,训练有素的辅助专业治疗师在减轻强迫症(OCD)症状方面与临床医生一样有效. 当涉及到使用数据来改善对个体患者的护理时,在项目和系统层面, Dr. Riemann is considered a pioneer.

Dr. Riemann目前担任Rogers Behavioral Health的首席临床官. 他也是罗杰斯强迫症中心和认知行为治疗服务的临床主任. 他被认为是行为健康领域最重要的领导者之一,也是强迫症治疗的杰出贡献者, anxiety disorders and use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment. His renown as an expert extends both nationally and internationally. 

在医疗界,他比美国任何一位临床医生都能帮助更多的人从强迫症中恢复过来, Dr. Riemann’s model has shown how a team of supervised, 在治疗方面训练有素的辅助专业专家可以极大地扩大接受有效心理健康问题治疗的人数. 临床科学家已经确立了CBT治疗多种疾病的有效性, but there is a shortage of therapists trained to deliver them.

In addition to that now industry standard model, one of Dr. Riemann对Rogers和整个行业最重要的贡献是他在推动基于测量和标准化的护理方面的领导作用.

OCD is a type of mental illness. People with OCD can have either obsessive thoughts and urges—or compulsive, repetitive behaviors, and some people have both, where the thoughts and actions are beyond the individual’s control. It affects approximately six million people in U.S., 它是包括行为健康和医疗条件在内的第十大致残原因.

In Dr. Riemann’s position at Rogers, 他负责监督来自全国各地的研究生和研究生在焦虑症方面的CBT培训,并与学院和大学合作研究强迫症和焦虑症的研究项目. 在他的指导下,罗杰斯从一个小型的单一站点发展成为全国最大的强迫症治疗机构, with 17 satellite programs in cities throughout the country.

Over the past 20 years, 他们收集了行为保健中患者评估结果的最大数据集, capturing and analyzing approximately a million assessments a year. Dr. Riemann还领导了一个团队,制定了护理方案和培训,提高了患者的治疗效果和满意度,减少了再入院率, among many other metrics.

Dr. Riemann是一位多产的研究者,也是国际强迫症基金会科学顾问委员会的成员, acting as expert consultant to the organization on research matters.

Early in his career, Dr. 黎曼在完成研究生学业后在博天堂官方入口登陆登录任教,多年来一直担任客座讲师. Most significantly, Dr. 黎曼还与卡罗尔合作,为他在罗杰斯大学共同教授的本科生开设了一门课程. 该课程将教学与项目实习经验相结合,使卡罗尔的毕业生在毕业后有机会在罗杰斯和其他地方任职,因为他们的临床经验和见解.

他对该领域的另一个重要贡献是他开发和监督罗杰斯的CBT学院. Developed and refined over the last two decades, 这个内部教育项目已经培训了数千人,并促进了提供强迫症治疗的高效和经济模式. 最近,该模式已扩展到培训个人提供包括抑郁症在内的其他疾病的治疗, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders.

A sought-after subject matter expert, speaker and prolific author, Dr. 黎曼积累了大量的成就,包括在全国电视上露面, authoring books and articles, speaking at national and international conferences and workshops, and conducting webinars and continuing education events. His research has been published in nearly 100 articles in professional journals, which is a rare and noteworthy accomplishment, especially for someone in a practice setting. In addition to his work in the U.S.他曾在11个国家举办培训,从英国、法国到秘鲁和海地.

Another example of Dr. Riemann对行为健康领域的研究和进步的贡献是他专注于开发和测试用于减轻强迫症、焦虑或抑郁症状的智能手机应用程序的功效. He also led a partnership with Cerner Math, a division of the electronic health record company, 开发一种机器学习算法来评估住院精神病患者的自杀风险. 这项工作可以挽救生命,并在其他领域提供改善护理的机会.

Dr. Riemann is extremely community minded. 他和妻子吉尔(Jill)成立了焦虑症基金会(Anxiety Disorders Foundation),以筹集资金,为那些无法负担治疗费用的焦虑症患者提供免费的门诊治疗. To date, this philanthropic effort has resulted in more than 40,000 hours of free treatment since it started in 2003.

The OCD Foundation of Puerto Rico awarded Dr. 他在波多黎各帮助建立了一个支持小组和治疗强迫症的项目,并为此获得了“成就表彰”. 由于他的职业成就,他也被列入了Oconomowoc高中的“名人墙”.

Dr. Riemann于1987年毕业于博天堂官方入口登陆登录,获得心理学和生物学学士学位. 他继续接受临床培训,获得芝加哥医学院临床心理学硕士和博士学位.

Pat Hammer, president and CEO of Rogers Behavioral Health, submitted Dr. Riemann’s nomination with further support from Dr. Riemann’s mentor, Dr. Richard J. McNally, 哈佛大学心理学临床培训系教授兼主任, and Dr. Heather Jones ꞌ04, director of Clinical Services at Rogers Behavioral Health.

Dr. Riemann lives in Oconomowoc, Wis. with his wife Jill. His late stepbrother, Howard C. Riemann II ꞌ62, was also a Carroll graduate. 
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请考虑以布拉德的名义送给卡罗尔一份礼物以庆祝他在心理学领域取得的重大成就. 布拉德选择了心理学项目作为他荣誉捐款的受益者.
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