
Healthcare organizations fill a variety of roles that extend far beyond providing direct care to patients. 医疗保健管理人员领先, manage 和 work in many areas of healthcare organizations, ensuring that business operates smoothly so patients can receive the care they need. It’s a growing field that allows you to combine a passion for helping others while giving you the flexibility to work in a diversity of fields, from 金融 to 市场营销 to human resources 和 more.

Our program teaches you about the health care industry 和 provides you with the business 和 management skills needed to effectively lead or work in any type of healthcare organization. The course-load you’ll take will allow you plenty of room to add on a minor, explore other areas of study or consider a double major.

“Carroll has provided me with experiences I will never take for granted.”




Healthcare is a unique 和 rapidly changing industry requiring compassionate 和 effective leaders 和 decision makers. The courses you’ll take in 博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s healthcare administration major will expose you to the topics, trends 和 challenges that are impacting health care today. When you enter the workforce as a recent graduate, you’ll bring a comprehensive underst和ing of these complicated policies 和 practices that will give you a competitive edge.

Your experiences in class will be interactive 和 based on real-world, 解决问题的方法, providing an exceptional backdrop to engage in case-study based discussions with your peers. Many classes focus on student-led learning where you’ll work in groups to study healthcare terminology, 政策与道德, even working your way toward creating a strategic plan for a hospital 和 writing some of your own test questions.

Although internships are not required to earn this degree, students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to gain h和s-on experience in areas that fit your interests 和 career goals. Many of our students participating in internships have received job offers prior to graduation.

辅修课程包括 公共卫生, 沟通, 市场营销, 管理与领导, 会计, 金融西班牙语.

我们的毕业生在医院工作, 养老院, 医疗保险公司, medical equipment sales 和 other organizations in all areas including leadership, 计费, 质量管理, 病人宣传, 市场营销 和 information technology among others.

Pre-Physical Therapy Students Benefit from a 医疗管理 Degree

Students that are considering applying to graduate school to earn their Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree will benefit from a Bachelor’s Degree in 医疗管理. You can choose from a wide variety of pre-selected undergraduate majors, 包括医疗保健管理, 在大多数序列中, 在短短六年内完成博天堂官方入口登陆登录的DPT课程. Carroll’s DPT program has a three-year board exam pass rate (2012-2014) of 99.3%,就业率为97%.7 percent within six months of graduation (2013-2015).

The undergraduate major introduces you to healthcare terminology 和 沟通, as well as the business side of how healthcare organizations operate. These areas provide a comprehensive perspective of how healthcare systems work 和 how decisions are made. 机会是, you may be asked questions about health insurance or be involved in making decisions about your specialty once you are providing direct patient care. You may also be thinking about owning your own practice someday. The healthcare administration major will give you the tools you’ll need to be knowledgeable 和 successful in any of these situations.

Carroll also offers a healthcare administration minor that complements many areas of study.


我们帮助你建立真实世界的经验, explore careers 和 network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • 威斯康辛儿童医院
  • 杜佩吉中心医院
  • Tudar Oaks老年生活社区
  • 蓝十字蓝盾
  • QuadMed


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries 和 careers our majors pursue, 和 the workplaces 和 experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.






博天堂官方入口登陆登录是 AACSB 国际-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

AACSB 国际 is a global association of leaders in education 和 business dedicated to supporting 和 advancing quality business 和 education worldwide. 通过会员, 认证, 研究, 思想领导, 列队行进的发展, 和宣传, AACSB合作伙伴超过1家,500个组织, 来自全球90多个国家. Membership or participation in the Global Education Alliance does not imply 认证.

“I truly believe that my courses at Carroll have prepared me for anything my career may hold.”

——Jacob Lutzke '21


