
Live theatre is one of the most powerful forms of communication. It connects us to one another by reminding us of the shared human experience. 通过艺术表现, 它吸引并邀请对话, celebrates our humanity and explores questions—both timeless and timely—that touch our emotions and challenge our existing beliefs. 剧院 has the ability to inspire, inform and transform. Whether your passion leads you to center stage or behind the scenes, you’ll find a welcoming community at Carroll.

“Expressing myself on stage has made me feel like a complete person.”
——Rachel Verhoef '19



博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s theatre major provides you with the knowledge needed to successfully operate an arts organization or venue while also acquiring skills to perform in productions. You’ll gain a well-rounded understanding of how a theatre production comes together from conception to curtain call as well as gain important skills in communication, 协作, 领导, 指导, 项目管理, 网络, 说服与谈判. New in Fall of 2020, students can also major in Musical 剧院. The goal of the new 48-credit BA major is to train Carroll students in the unique and demanding art of musical theatre, by creating successful ‘triple threats’ (those with exceptional abilities in the areas of acting, 唱歌跳舞.)

Our program combines classroom study with opportunities to participate in fully-produced stage productions. Productions include a wide range of genres, from musicals and comedies to satire and tragedy. Our goal is to provide students with a wide variety of experiences, working on productions that range from historical to contemporary, 从百老汇到外百老汇再到原创作品. You’ll learn how to direct, build stage sets, design sound and lighting and craft costumes. You’ll also have the chance to write, direct and perform your own work. Our students have the opportunity to work alongside professional, 每学期至少一次公平演员.

社区 partnerships with local arts organizations will introduce you to the real world of operating a venue—and what strategies are necessary to address challenges and successfully accomplish goals. You’ll come away with an understanding of how to manage and promote a business working in areas like finance, 人力资源与市场营销.

当你不在卡罗排练的时候, you’ll enjoy the area’s vibrant art scene and wide variety of performing arts organizations.


We offer positions in all areas that support theatre and arts for students seeking campus employment during the school year, 包括:

  • 服装商店
  • 自营店
  • 现场购物
  • 技术实验室
  • 剧院 office/student public relations team


Earn course credit and gain real-world experience in a 6-8 week ‘summer stock’ setting for course credit while you develop the skills you’ll need to sustain a successful career in the theatre and arts management industries.


Dedicated to new and innovative theater production, 威斯康辛州's first theatre organization was inaugurated in June 1896 with a production of Bulwer Lyton's "Richelieu,,由May N. Rankin, the daughter of former Carroll President Walter Rankin. Miss Rankin developed the curricular program in 1901 and eventually produced graduates including Alfred Lunt, 谁, 和妻子琳恩·方丹, 百老汇剧院以他的名字命名. A museum and theatre center has been established at their former estate, 十个烟囱, 在Genesee Depot, 威斯康辛州.

视频比例大小16 × 9 博天堂官方入口登陆登录视频


In addition to the major, Carroll offers minors in theatre that complement many areas of study:


我们帮助你建立真实世界的经验, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • 蓝湖美术营
  • 第一阶段
  • 湖乡剧场
  • 密尔沃基室内剧院
  • 密尔沃基歌剧院
  • 密尔沃基话剧团
  • 天光音乐剧场
  • 日落剧场
  • 沃克夏市民剧院
  • 威斯康辛州爱乐乐团



College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.


LinkedIn Report Says Milwaukee Great Place to Launch Career

Milwaukee is ranked second in a new analysis by LinkedIn’s Economic Graph team of U.S. cities that are especially well-suited for new grads.



04届校友Bryon Cherry

Q&答:Bryon Cherry '04年度最佳R&B/Soul Artist by 威斯康辛州 Area Music Industry


04届校友Bryon Cherry lived the liberal arts education at Carroll when - as a political science major - he also discovered his passion and talent for music. He developed his musical interest down a path that led to him being named best R&B/Soul Artist at the 2021 威斯康辛州 Area Music Industry (WAMI) Awards.


CU在工作场所| John Catania '82


In honor of June Pride Month and the Carroll Player’s 125th Anniversary (June 1896-2021), this special edition of CU in the Workplace features television and media producer John Catania, 1982届毕业生.


“These classes make me so excited for my career outside of Carroll.”




  • 劳拉·格雷|兼任讲师
  • 贾斯汀·盖尔|场景商店经理
  • Cecelia Mason-Kuenn |服装商店经理

