
Why do individuals engage in crime and how are criminals created? How do our values as a society impact criminal behavior and crime? What are some of the biggest challenges facing today’s criminal justice system? Whether you’re interested in a career in local 执法 or the FBI, working in the court system or becoming an advocate for victims, a degree in criminal justice prepares you for a rewarding career that helps build better communities for us all.

Angelyna Madrid, 23岁


“I decided to study psychology and criminal justice because I knew I needed to provide solutions for social inequities both my community and this country faces. My goal is to bridge the divide and be a resource for all people. I am open to any experience that will grant me the opportunity to dismantle systemic issues and mitigate the overarching issues of social justice, I am really interested in being a forensic social worker, 犯罪分析人员, 警方顾问, 或者是受害者辩护律师.
“Because of my liberal arts education, I have had the opportunity to explore fine arts, 人文学科, 哲学/伦理宗教, 社会科学, and natural sciences; I have a well-rounded understanding of various subjects and know how to apply these understandings to real-life scenarios. 
“My most memorable experience at Carroll was participating in the Pioneer Bridge summer program. It helped me as a first-generation student transfer from high school to college. This program provided me with a much-needed support system and exposure to all the resources Carroll provides. I also can say that those I met during the program are some of my closest friends till this day.”


Criminal justice student Angelyna Madrid

About the 刑事司法 Major

Understanding the Contemporary Issues That Lead to Crime Will Help Us Prevent It

博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s criminal justice major prepares you to understand the complexity of the criminal justice system and criminal behaviors. The program is rooted in social and criminal justice, sociology and criminology. You’ll be challenged to explore some of the most difficult and immediate concerns facing American society, and think critically about the issues that create an environment where criminal behavior can thrive. You’ll dive into questions that require you to think deeply about the role of punishment as a deterrent, the growing focus on victim’s rights and the impact of rehabilitation and prevention in reducing crime. The field offers a variety of career options, including working in the court system, 法律, 执法, 私人调查, 社区康复, 宣传, 修正, 损失预防, 缓刑和假释, 教学和研究生院.

Our program builds in time for discussion, group work and field experiences. 它探索了历史, 结构, functions and operations of the primary components in the criminal justice system in the United States including 执法, 法庭和惩教. We analyze current issues such as sentencing practices, disparities in sentencing related to race and ethnicity and alternatives to incarceration. There are opportunities to investigate the experiences of victims in the system and the victim offender relationship, and connect the interrelationships between criminal behavior and societal factors such as drug use and abuse, 家庭动力学, 贫穷与犯罪.

Carroll’s criminal justice program is 结构d so you can double major or double minor and still graduate in just four years. Suggested options include psychology, 法医科学, 专业写作, communication and organizational leadership.

除了主修, Carroll offers a minor in criminal justice that complements many areas of study:


We help you build real world experience, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • Local and federal 执法 agencies
  • 公设辩护人办公室
  • 律师事务所
  • 康复设施
  • 地方检察官办公室
  • Probation and parole departments
  • Wisconsin Department of Justice
  • 青少年治疗中心
  • Corporate and private sector security positions
  • 律师的办公室
  • 审前和监狱部


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.


“I hope to work with government agencies or police departments as a forensic psychologist.”

——Jade Meicher, 21岁



